
If something in your house has broken or become damaged, it's best to tell your landlord quickly.

Unfortunatley things often don’t get fixed quickly when it comes to damage and disrepair in your home.

Landlords usually don't wish to spend the money required to fix the problems, but they do have legal responsibilities when it comes to the state of the property.

If you've broken something

You may have to pay for any damage caused by you or a guest, however its still better to ring the landlord and have them sort it quickly.

Be aware though that minor damage caused by normal use of the property falls under the responsibility of the landlord to pay for (although they do not have to get it fixed unless it is dangerous).

If it's an emergency or unsafe

An emergency can be anything which threatens the structure of the house, or the fixtures and fittings (i.e. light switches, wallpaper, walls, floors etc).

Unsafe damage could be a problem with the heating, gas, or electrics.

Try to get in touch with the landlord or agent first, but if you can’t get hold of them and any delay would cause more expensive damage, then you may have the right to get it fixed and send the invoice to the landlord.

You must be able to show, in this case, that you got multiple quotes and went with the cheapest.

You must not deduct the cost of repairs from the rent. This will count as rent arrears, but you can make a claim to get the money back - it’s best to get in touch with us if you have to pay for a repair.